Centre for Regional Science

The Barents Region
Security and Economic Development in the European North

Jan Åke Dellenbrant & Mats-Olov Olsson

Cerum Perspektiv 1994

ISBN 91-7174-894-6

This book is based on contributions to the international symposium The Barents Region in the New Europe: Natural Resources and Security Policy, held at Umeå University, 7–8 May 1993. The symposium was organ­ized by the Group for peace Research, Conflict and security Studies (FOKS) at Umeå University in coopera­tion with the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm. The majority of the articles in this volume were presented at the symposium, but some contribu­tions were added afterwards.

The compilation and editing of the present volume has been done with financial support from the Centre for Regional Science (CERUM), the FOKS group and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. In the fall of 1993, CERUM formed The Barents Programme: The Umeå University Multidisciplinary Research Programme on the Barents Sea Region. This programme brings to­gether researchers from various university departments with a view to coordinate the efforts to investigate pertinent problems relating to the development of the Barents Region.

This book is the first result of the work performed within the Umeå University Barents Programme.

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CONTENTS (and List of Authors)

Chapter 1: Regionalization and Security in the European North, Jan Åke Dellenbrant & Mats-Olov Olsson

Chapter 2: Developing the Barents Sea Region: Opportunities and Risks, Nils Asbjörn Engstad

Chapter 3. Co-operation in the Barents Region, Ulf Wiberg

Chapter 4. The Norwegian-Russian Neighbourhood in the North 1814–1917, Jens Petter Nielsen

Chapter 5: Swedish Forest Exploitation in Northern Russia Around 1900, Jörgen Björklund

Chapter 6: The Economy of the Kola Peninsula and Its Significance for the Barents Region, Gennady P. Luzin

Chapter 7. The Non-Fuel Mineral Industries in the Former Soviet Union — Prospects for the Kola Peninsula, Marian Radetzki

Chapter 8: Missing Networks in "the Missing Region" The Challenge for Infrastructure Development, Natalya Kazantseva & Lars Westin

Chapter 9: The Information Infrastructure of the Russian North, Vladimir A. Putilov

Chapter 10: Environment and Security on the Kola Peninsula, Mats-Olov Olsson & Alexei V. Sekarev

Chapter 11 : Environmental Aspects on the Future of the Barents Sea Region, Henrik Österholm

Chapter 12: Russian Doctrine and the Arctic, Lena Jonson

Chapter 13: Politics and Security in the Barents Sea Region, Jyrki Käkönen

Chapter 14: Self-Government for the County of Murmansk — Background and Recent Developments,
Oleg A. Andreev & Mats-Olov Olsson

Chapter 15: Research Co-operation in the Arctic, Anders Karlqvist

Chapter 16: Security Policy and Natural Resources in the Arctic Region, Truls Hanevold

Chapter 17: Knowns and Unknowns — Implications for the Future, Jan Åke Dellenbrant & Mats-Olov Olsson